AKSW Git LFS Server

A simple, single-file Git LFS server with SSH-based authentication through JSON Web Tokens

To use this Git LFS server in your project, follow these steps:

  1. You need to have git-lfs installed on your system. Please see https://git-lfs.github.com/ for more information about how to use the Git LFS client.

  2. For commit access, ensure that your username is set in your ~/.ssh/config:

    Host git-lfs.aksw.org
    	User YourName
    	GSSAPIServerIdentity prod1.aksw.uni-leipzig.de
    	# Additional options
    Host *

    and that

    ssh git-lfs.aksw.org git-lfs-authenticate

    does not produce an error.

  3. Add a file named .lfsconfig to the root of your repository with the following contents:

    	url = https://git-lfs.aksw.org/test/my-org/my-repo
    	pushurl = ssh://git-lfs.aksw.org/test/my-org/my-repo

    ...where my-org/my-repo is the name of the Git repository.

    Make sure .lfsconfig is committed:

    git add .lfsconfig
  4. Select the file types you'd like Git LFS to manage (or directly edit your .gitattributes). You can configure additional file extensions at anytime.

    git lfs track "*.psd"

    Make sure .gitattributes is committed:

    git add .gitattributes
  5. Use git add, git commit, and git push as you normally would:

    git add foo.psd
    git commit -m "Add design file"
    git push